There's no Tuple
type available in Swift. If you wonder why that is,
think about it: every tuple is a totally different type, depending on
the types within it. So instead of defining a generic tuple requirement,
you define the specific but generic incarnation of the tuple you intend
to use:
func wantsTuple<T1, T2>(_ tuple: (T1, T2)) -> T1 {
return tuple.0
wantsTuple((\"a\", \"b\")) // \"a\"
wantsTuple((1, 2)) // 1
You can also use tuples in typealiases
, thus allowing subclasses to
fill out your types with details. This looks fairly useless and
complicated, but I've already had a use case where I need to do exactly
class BaseClass<A,B> {
typealias Element = (A, B)
func add(_ elm: Element) {
class IntegerClass<B> : BaseClass<Int, B> {
let example = IntegerClass<String>()
example.add((5, \"\"))
// Prints (5, \"\")
You can also define a typealias
with generic parameters
like in this example where we introduce a custom Either
typealias MyEither<A, B> = (left: A, right: B)