Anonymous Structs
Tuples as well as structs allow you to combine different types into one type:
let user1 = (name: \"Carl\", age: 40)
// vs.
struct User {
let name: String
let age: Int
let user2 = User(name: \"Steve\", age: 39)
As you can see, these two types are similar, but whereas the tuple exists simply as an instance, the struct requires both a struct declaration and a struct initializer. This similarity can be leveraged whenever you have the need to define a temporary struct inside a function or method. As the Swift docs say:
Tuples are useful for temporary groups of related values. (...) If your data structure is likely to persist beyond a temporary scope, model it as a class or structure (...)
As an example of this, consider the following situation where the return values from several functions first need to be uniquely collected and then inserted:
func zipForUser(userid: String) -> String { return \"12124\" }
func streetForUser(userid: String) -> String { return \"Charles Street\" }
let users = [user1]
// Find all unique streets in our userbase
var streets: [String: (zip: String, street: String, count: Int)] = [:]
for user in users {
let zip = zipForUser(userid:
let street = streetForUser(userid:
let key = \"\(zip)-\(street)\"
if let (_, _, count) = streets[key] {
streets[key] = (zip, street, count + 1)
} else {
streets[key] = (zip, street, 1)
// drawStreetsOnMap(streets.values)
for street in streets.values { print(street) }
Here, the tuple is being used as a simple structure for a short-duration use case. Defining a struct would also be possible but not strictly necessary.
Another example would be a class that handles algorithmic data, and you're moving a temporary result from one method to the next one. Defining an extra struct for something only used once (in between two or three methods) may not be required.
// Made up algorithm
func calculateInterim(values: [Int]) ->
(r: Int, alpha: CGFloat, chi: (CGFloat, CGFloat)) {
return (values[0], 2, (4, 8))
func expandInterim(interim: (r: Int,
alpha: CGFloat,
chi: (CGFloat, CGFloat))) -> CGFloat {
return CGFloat(interim.r) + interim.alpha + interim.chi.0 + interim.chi.1
print(expandInterim(interim: calculateInterim(values: [1])))
There is, of course, a fine line here. Defining a struct for one instance is overly complex; defining a tuple 4 times instead of one struct is overly complex too. Finding the sweet spot depends.