Directory Traversion
Imagine you want to traverse a file hierachy and find:
- all "psd" files from customer1 and customer2
- all "blend" files from customer2
- all "jpeg" files from all customers.
guard let enumerator = FileManager.default.enumeratorAtPath(\"/customers/2014/\")
else { return }
for url in enumerator {
switch (url.pathComponents, url.pathExtension) {
// psd files from customer1, customer2
case (let f, \"psd\")
where f.contains(\"customer1\") || f.contains(\"customer2\"): print(url)
// blend files from customer2
case (let f, \"blend\")
where f.contains(\"customer2\"): print(url)
// all jpg files
case (_, \"jpg\"): print(url)
default: ()
Note that contains
stops at the first match and doesn't traverse the
complete path. Again, pattern matching lead to very succinct and
readable code.