Group By
Go over a list and return a new list with the previous list' items
grouped by a discriminator function. The function in question needs to
return a Hashable
type so that we can differentiate keys. The order of
the items will be preserved while the order of the groups won't
necessarily be preserved.
func groupby<T, H: Hashable>(_ items: [T], f: (T) -> H) -> [H: [T]] {
return items.reduce([:], { (var ac: [H: [T]], o: T) -> [H: [T]] in
let h = f(o)
if var c = ac[h] {
ac.updateValue(c, forKey: h)
} else {
ac.updateValue([o], forKey: h)
return ac
print(groupby([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], f: { $0 % 3 }))
// prints: [2: [2, 5, 8, 11], 0: [3, 6, 9, 12], 1: [1, 4, 7, 10]]
print(groupby([\"Carl\", \"Cozy\", \"Bethlehem\", \"Belem\", \"Brand\", \"Zara\"], f: { $0.characters.first! }))
// prints: [\"C\" : [\"Carl\" , \"Cozy\"] , \"B\" : [\"Bethlehem\" , \"Belem\" , \"Brand\"] , \"Z\" : [\"Zara\"]]